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How To Keep Your Mind And Brain Sharp As You Age

Keeping your mind sharp and healthy as you age is of vital importance.  This article will give you step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done to keep your brain functioning at its peak.  The frontal lobe of the brain is your seat of thinking.  It is where you make decisions each day.  It is also the part of the brain responsible for speech.  Anything that has mercury in it should be avoided because it is not healthy for your brain or your body.


Getting proper sleep is important to the function of your brain.  Your brain needs to rest and rejuvenate itself from the days' activities so you can wake refreshed in the morning.


Staying away from alcohol is good for the brain.  Alcohol destroys the cells of your brain even in small amounts.  Going to the bathroom when you are supposed to is very important to the function of the brain as well as the entire body.  When you hold the fecal matter in your body, it destroys the body, the colon and other internal organs bringing on diseases such as colon cancer.  Holding on to your urine brings disease to your body including cervical cancer.  It destroys the urinary tract and leads to other diseases in the body.  When these diseases are in your body, it has a direct negative impact on the function of your brain.




The Dangers Of Aluminum Products


Stay away from aluminum products, styrofoam cups, plates, other things made from these materials.  Aluminum is a poison especially when it is heated, it leaks aluminum into the body causing holes in the brain that can lead to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimers.  Take a look at the aluminum foil when it is heated, it is black.  This is the poison that gets into the food and causes memory loss over a period of years.


Consuming foods from aluminum cans is dangerous to your health and your brain.  Even though they may coat the can with plastic, the plastic is not healthy.  Cooking in aluminum pots is dangerous to your health.  Try using stainless steel pots, cast iron pots, and other kinds of pots.  Another danger to your brain and your body is non-stick Teflon pots.  




Dangerous Of Styrofoam



Styrofoam cups, plates are not healthy to eat off, they are dangerous to your body and your brain.  Styrofoam products have a chemical compound in it called styrene which has neurotoxin and carcinogen in it.  This can lead to fatigue, lessens your ability to concentrate, disrupts your hormonal system which can lead to thyroid problems and other health issues.  Styrofoam cups are also bad for the environment.





Putting into your body the proper nutrients is necessary if you are to keep your mind functioning at optimum level.  


Foods and fruits such as pumpkin, mangoes, starfruit, watermelon and other melons are healthy for you.  Do not mix your melons at the same setting.  Add avocado, bananas, plantains, coconut, starfruit, and beets to your diet. 


Clams, crawfish, lobsters, catfish, farm raised fishes, fish without scales and fins, pig, pork products are dangerous to your health and your brain.  I went on a missionary trip to another country and met a young lady that ate a lot of pigs and ended up not being able to walk for years, her brain was messed up and her head hurt because of all the pork products she ate.  The Trichinosis which are worms from the pig embedded themselves in her brain causing excruciating pain in her head.  These things are not food for human beings to eat, they are scavengers.


Adding to your diet berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and other berries is a good idea.  Berries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients.  It has phytochemicals that protect the cells and helps to prevent age-related memory loss such as dementia, Alzheimer, and other memory issues.  Berries help you to think clearly, improves your mood, helps you to concentrate better, relieves depression, anxiety and helps with other harmful traits such as stress. 

When choosing your berries if you can, try to purchase the ones that are organic.  If they are not organic wash them with salt water, purified water and other ways to remove the pesticide from them.   Add a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and grains to your diet.  The more colorful the vegetables and fruits are the better they are for you.


Add flax seeds, walnuts, beans to your diet, because they have omega 3 fatty acids in them.  Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial to your brain.  




Which is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside instead of on the inside?  Read the rest of the article to find the answer.  



Get out into the fresh air and enjoy it.  Getting sunshine will vastly improve your mood and get you energized.  Go for a walk and get some exercise, go to the beach, spend time with friends and family.  See my article on "Sunshine" by clicking on the button below.

More Activities That Helps The Brain


Keeping the brain active is very important.  Think of your brain as a child that needs to be disciplined.  Some of the ways to discipline your brain are to read a book.  The bible is a great book to read which will help your brain and your mind to come alive and become transformed.  


Play games that will challenge your mind to think, such as checkers, chess, and other games.  The answer to the question about the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside is the strawberry.  Try your best to remember peoples names and address them by their names.  One way to do this is by word association.  When someone tells you their name think of something that you can associate that person name with.  Play memory games, and ones you can play by yourself if no one is around. 


Play a musical instrument such as the piano, keyboard, guitar and sing to your heart's content.  This is good therapy for your brain.  Think good positive thoughts and enjoy a good laugh.  This is good for the brain.  


Going to church and socializing with your brothers and sisters in the Lord will do wonders for your mind and your brain.   


Drink lots of good quality water throughout the day to keep your brain hydrated.  This will help in keeping your brain cells refreshed and your mind active in a good way. To see other health articles click on the button below.


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