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How To Treat Cancer Naturally

The word cancer can be very scary.  Most if not all of us knows someone who has cancer and has died from cancer.

No one should die from cancer.  Putting the right foods in your body, getting exercise, not smoking, taking drugs which includes prescription drugs, drinking alcohol, staying away from second and third-hand cigarette smoke, getting adequate sunlight, and other measures can help to keep cancer away. 


When it comes to prescription drugs sometimes it becomes necessary to take them, especially when you have been messed up by your doctor.  Doctors are busy treating symptoms instead of getting to the root of the problem.


Some Things That Contribute To Cancer


The environment is loaded with toxins, the food you eat is genetically altered, the water you drink and bathe in is unhealthy, (get a good whole house water filter) and the list of evils go on.  Being predisposed to getting cancer through heredity does not guarantee you will have cancer.  It is said that "heredity loads the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger." When you have strong immune system diseases do not have to control you.  Yes, you may get sick but your white blood cells will fight for you to keep you healthy.


There are babies who are born with cancer of various types and children who develop cancer due to no fault of their own.  If you are planning to start a family someday, this goes for both male and female, take care of your body while you are young.  This prepares your body for having healthy babies.  


Why Are You Sick?


The health establishment wants to keep you sick so they can make money off you.  When you are sick especially with cancer, the treatment they give you is worse than the disease itself.  Chemotherapy does not work.  You may say, I was treated with chemotherapy and I am in remission.  That is wonderful, and I am happy it worked for you.  Think of all those who have died while receiving chemotherapy.  Doctors know that chemotherapy does not work yet they continue to prescribe it to you.  If you die after seven years of receiving chemotherapy for cancer, they can say the treatment was successful.


When you go to the doctor they run a battery of test on you and diagnose you with cancer, they make money off your illness.  They tell you what is wrong with you but does not get to the root of what caused cancer.  I am speaking from experience with friends I know who died while receiving cancer treatment.  This is what happens in the body.  You receive cancer treatment, cancer remains dormant in the body for a period of months or years.  In that time you go for CT scans and a battery of blood work and every kind of test to see what the result is.  You are sent from one specialist to another while they line their bank accounts with your insurance money and your out of pocket costs.  Cancer does not go away, it stays in the body waiting for something to trigger it and when it returns it comes back with a vengeance.  Cancer moves from place to place hiding from the so-called treatments so it can take you out.  




Being constipated all the time (not being able to have a bowel movement) leads to diseases.  The waste stays in the colon and poisons the body.  In actuality, you are feasting on your own waste.  Going to the bathroom three days per week or less is not normal.  You should have one or more bowel movement each day.  Notice how a baby's body works, after each meal, the baby has a bowel movement.  That is the way your body was designed to work.  When your system is backed up it releases toxins into the various organs of the body causing cancer.




Cancer thrives in an acidic environment.  If your body is acidic you are a Petri dish for all kinds of sickness, including cancer.  Tumors grow in a body that is acidic causing all kinds of illness over a period of time.  Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made and so the white blood cells try over and over to help your body to heal.  Because of the acidic condition of your body, the white blood cells cannot do its job and so they break down.  


Lack Of Sleep


Not getting enough sleep will lower your immune system causing all kinds of sickness including cancer.  When you sleep your body produces melatonin that helps to fight cancer cells in your body.  Sleeping in the dark is the best way to get a good nights sleep.  Sleeping with the light on lowers your risk of getting the melatonin your body needs to boost your immune system.


Emotional Stress


Some kinds of stress are good, but when you are under constant stress day after day the body gets sick, your immune system breaks down leading to all kinds of diseases including cancer.  If you are in an environment that is very stressful, causing lack of sleep, headaches, pain that cannot be diagnosed, heart palpation, high blood pressure and anxiety, try to remove yourself from that situation.  If it is a work environment that you dread going to every day, do your best to get another job.  


Some of the reason for stress is the loss of a job, foreclosure of a home, loss of someone close to them, marital issues, work issues, financial and other with issues.  This gentleman I knew after his wife died was experiencing pain all over his body.  He was depressed.  He went to numerous doctors who kept giving him painkillers, they ran a battery of test and could find nothing wrong with him.  After years of constant pain and prescription drugs, he shot himself to death.  This gentleman's problem was that he missed his wife, they were married for many years.  The doctors should have figure out that the pain he was feeling was because he was depressed, due to the stress of losing his wife, whom he loved. 


Treating Cancer Without Drugs


Change your attitude from a negative one to a positive one.  Go out and enjoy the sunshine, the beach, the park, drink lots of good quality water until your urine runs clear.  As a man thinks so is he, watch your thoughts and do not allow your mind to wander off in negative directions.  Channel your thoughts into happy ones, if you resent someone, stop it.  Are you jealous of something someone has, or over a person?  Stop it, you are only harming yourself.  Develop an attitude of gratitude.  Be careful what you watch on TV or other avenues, by beholding these negative shows, you will become just like them.  


Forgive others who have sinned against you.  Forgiveness is for you more than it is for the other person.  Do not hold grudges because the only person you are hurting is yourself.  Be angry and sin, not the bible says.  It is OK to get angry, but not to the point where it takes over and causes harm to yourself and to others.


Here are a few tips I came across that if followed along with diet, and exercise will stop cancer in its tracks.

Health Benefits Of Asparagus


Asparagus is healthy and a great addition to your diet.  Asparagus has vitamin K to help your bones become strong and stay strong, helps with anemia, is good for your eyes, lowers your cholesterol level, fights a toothache, removes toxins from your body, fights inflammation in the body, helps your kidney and is good for helping to regulate your weight. 


Asparagus fights all kinds of cancer.  If you are on chemotherapy add asparagus to your diet to help you get better.  If you are depressed add asparagus to your diet, it has fiber to help move your bowels, helps with your digestion, prevents hair loss.  Asparagus has vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, niacin, phosphorous, amino acids, and antioxidants.


Asparagus Recipe For Treating Cancer


Take a full stalk of fresh organic asparagus and steam it until it is very soft.  


After it cools puree it in a blender.


Take 4 tablespoons in the morning and in the evening preferably on an empty stomach.  Do not eat or drink anything until half an hour to an hour later.  You may take more than 4 tablespoons if you desire.  If the cancer condition is bad taking more than the 4 tablespoons is recommended.

Store the blended liquid asparagus in the fridge.


To make a drink add water to the asparagus puree to make a hot or cold drink.


Do this on a daily basis, especially if you have cancer.  Eat yourself well.


The Lemon Treatment


Lemons have vitamin C, potassium, folate, flavonoids, and other vitamins.


Remove all forms of sugar from your diet.  Sugar feeds cancer cells.  


Blend a whole lemon with a cup of hot water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning as soon as you awake.  Do this treatment for about 1 - 3 months.  


Add this as a preventive measure even if you have not been diagnosed with cancer.  It is said that "prevention is better than cure."


The Water Treatment


First thing in the morning when you awake before brushing your teeth, drink 4 cups of warm water or warm room temperature water.  


Do not drink or eat anything for 45 minutes.  


Make this a lifestyle change.  If you find it difficult to drink 4 cups of water, drink less and gradually increase the amount of water intake.


Clean Your Lymphatic System


Use a natural brush (which you can purchase at a health store.) Do a dry brush before taking a shower.  Brush toward your heart and do not forget the bottom of your feet.  


If you do not have a natural brush use a cotton hand towel until you can purchase a natural brush.


When your lymphatic system is clean, you will experience better health.


Salt Glow Bath


Use half to one cup of sea salt (can be mixed with Epson salt), or regular salt.  In the shower damp the salt with a small amount of water.  Rub your body with the salt keeping it away from your eyes.  Remember to rub your body towards your heart.  After you are finished wash off the salt.  Your skin will feel like that of a baby.  


This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases.   














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